I have known Kelly Green for over fifteen years and in that time I have been inspired by her intuitiveness and insight into how children learn best and her thoughtful and calm approach when working with them. She has a strong belief in the significance of positive mental health and wellbeing on children’s development and this has been borne out in the way that she has taught over the years – through the nurturing of positive learning environments where care and consideration is modelled and children are explicitly taught strategies to manage their own mental health. More laterally I have known her as part of the Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Team, where she has delivered a great number of training sessions to teachers; feedback from these have shown that delegates appreciate and enjoy Kelly’s warm and engaging manner and have taken practical ideas from the sessions that they can use in their own settings. Kelly has been at the forefront of developing materials to promote positive wellbeing including a Mindfulness and Sleep resource as well as the Gloucestershire PINK PSHE & Safeguarding curriculum.
Jackie Buckland, CEO North Cotswold Federation MAT
I have known Kelly since 2013 and have always found her to be a clear and straightforward person to deal with. The Facts4Life Project engaged her help through her work with Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning (GHLL). We were keen to identify teachers who could help us translate medical ideas we use in General Practice into positive messages that translate into a revolutionary teaching resource for primary school children. With Kelly we certainly found someone who has been more than able to take on this massive task. She has produced magnificent resources for schools and Early Years settings, organised and run training meetings for Facts4Life and continues to take a major part in the further development of the project.
Dr Hugh van’t Hoff, Facts4Life Director & Gloucestershire GP
Kelly has been providing exemplar lessons across the school based on her excellent ‘Focused for Learning’ programme. In doing so, she has been promoting the benefits of a mindful approach to learning to both our pupils and teachers. There is growing evidence that this can play a key role in raising self-awareness and developing reflective thinking in pupils, thereby actively supporting academic performance. Kelly’s carefully planned activities and teaching delivery always result in entertaining and effective sessions, with the pupils thoroughly engaged throughout.
Julian Pass, Headteacher, Abbeymead Primary School
Having known Kelly Green for over fifteen years as a colleague and as an advisor, her relentless belief and passion for raising awareness of mental health and well-being and the impact this has on our children today, is admirable. Her calm, nurturing approach has always provided the children in her charge, a positive non-threatening environment in which to confidently contribute towards topical subjects. As a Healthy Schools consultant, Kelly has supported staff professional development in planning the curriculum resources for PSHE (PinK PSHE & Safeguarding curriculum) as well as delivering teaching sessions which the children still quote to this day!
Wendy D’Arcy, Ofsted HMI
Kelly is passionate about children’s health and wellbeing. This has been evident in her own practice as a classroom teacher and in her role as an independent consultant in Gloucestershire. I have had the pleasure of working with Kelly since 2012 and she has time and time again demonstrated her skill in writing high quality resources which tackle a diverse range of health and wellbeing issues – from mindfulness to resilience and from sleep to developing children’s understanding of illness. These resources have constantly been in high demand.
As a trainer Kelly is always very professional in her delivery and it is a pleasure to train alongside her. She combines a depth of her subject knowledge with a very relaxed and approachable delivery manner. The evaluations of her training are consistently highly rated and there is no doubt that she effects positive change in teachers’ practice as a result of her delivery.
Pete Kirby, Curriculum Developer with Facts4Life and GHLL Lead Teacher